the Philosophy

Live with NO Limits, Love with NO Regrets

Copyright by miz.adeqla

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Friday, September 3, 2010

CerItaKu..CeRitA kaMu.. cErita mEreKa..

dulu dulu mama slalu pesan, kalau tak bole bercakap guna ayat yang baik lebih bagus diam..
bila mama cakap macam tu, aku slalu confuse.. salahkah ayat yang aku guna tadi.. penat aku fikir..
mama cakap, kamu ni suka menyampuk orang tua bercakap.. hmmm..

bila da cukup umur bole sekolah masuk darjah 1, time aku dulu kat kampung xde tadika, jadi pandai2 la belajar sndiri..aku ingat lagi masa tu kalau xsalah umur aku br 5thn, nak belajar membaca nak blajar menulis.. yang jadi mangsa abang aku no 2.. dia kena ajar aku baca abc.. bila dia bosan ajar aku, dia nak pg brjalan.. aku menjerit menangis nangis.. bila ingat balik rasa nak gelak..
bila da start sekolah kena dgr cakap cikgu kat sekolah.. aku da mula faham kenapa mama slalu pesan macam tu dulu.. bila cakap lebih2 nanti mulut kena cubit, kalau lagi lebih nasib baik sikit dapat rotan dr abg long..hehhee..
bila da besar tetap ingat pesan mama.. bila xtau nak cakap apa mula la diam..diam bukan bermakna sombong cuma menjaga kata2 takut time2 xde idea nak bercakap tu terlepas pula ayat yang kurang menyenangkan keluar dr mulut yg comel.. hahha..
bila da semakin tua belajar main facebook{fb} pla.. bdk2 kata pisbuk..
bila kat fb macam2 la ada.. dr kwn2, game, bisnes.. mcm2 application dlm fb tu.. kdg2 jd diary, tpt bisnes, tpt cari jodoh, cr kwn.. macam2..
tpi yang xfaham tu .. heran tgk segelintir org dlm fb tu suka sgt bercerita a.k.a post ayat2 yg kurang baik kt wall dorg, kt status..kdg2 terfkir.. xmalu ker dorg bila semua org tahu masalah dorg, 1 dunia baca.. kalau yg memahami xpe, kalau yang salah faham mcmana pula agaknya.. kalau yg salah faham tu bw cerita pla, smapi kt telinga family...mmg la ada yg buat fb tu dairy dorg, public dairy.. tp perlukah cerita2 yg kurang baik di share dlm tu.. .hmmm..
macam2 ragam.. mcm astro la kot.. mcm2 program ada..
bagi yg suka mencari kwn2 dlm fb pla, bila x dilayan mula la mcm2, kdg2 tu ada yg smapi remove dr fren list padahal xpernah bermusuh pun..kdg2 ada yg terus add kt block list agaknya takut org cari.. benda2 tu suma da jadi asam garam dlm fb.. bagi aku, xkisah la suma tu.. fb kn tpt kita cr kwn, jmpa kwn2 lama, dpt kwn2 baru wlpun utk men game dlm fb jer.. kalau ada org yg xnk jd kwn pun aku xkisah.. kwn2 kn byk lg.. kalo berkwn tu kn kena ikhlas, br nama dia friends forever.. hahha.
bosan tgk feed d fb byk benda yg xberkenan, bercerita kt cni lg bgs.. lebih kurang public dairy kn..
da dkt tgh mlm pun.. rasa mcm lapar pun ada, nak pg cr mkn tgh2 mlm ni xde kwn pla.. esok keja mgkin patut stop skng and tidur zzzz... esok2 aku continue ceta ku ni.. 
Gud nite for me.. swt drm..

   ~~~~~miz aDeqLa~~~

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


its always on my mind.. why its so hard to say SORRY... to say U're Forgiven...
very simple words just Im Sorry and U're Forgiven...
its a common sense that always make us stuck in life..

nobody realized that forgiveness clears the pathway in front of us and give u a space to move forward..
its lighten the emotional burden, its healing the emotional pain..
when we do something truly wrong we always ask forgiveness from others but did we realize that its not enough to reduce the burden in our heart.. even we get the forgiveness but its still haunting our days..
just one reasons.. that is we forgot to forgive ourself..

we cannot move forwards because of our truly mistakes...
we cannot face life because of break-ups..
we cannot move on because of terrible childhood memories..
we cannot meet people because of shameful events..
but WHY??
people around us can forgive us, we can meet someone better, we still have chances to get better life, we are not the only persons having nightmare...
still back to main reasons.. coz we Forgot to Forgive ourself for what happened..

Just look back what is the positive things from the events.. imagine how relief we feel coz finally we manage to get out from relationship that make us suffered enough.. understand ourselves why we did the things happened and why we deserves to be forgiven..

Unforgiven - its like an invisible prison, nobody never manage to see it  but are nonetheless there.. and we are the warden for our own prison..
sometimes we feel that we dont deserves to be forgiven.. we rather to carry out the pains in our heart coz we thinks that is what we deserves.. but we are totally WRONG..
if others unable to forgive us we still have the forgiven from ourself.. Release all the pains in our hearts that always beating us mentally, let go our past then we can deal with our current life more easily, freeing from our private prison that we never see..
the master keys is Forgiveness..
i've trying it.. and its allowed  me to move on to a new level of living.. it enables me to forgive such that after 12yrs and could finally let go all the past and forgive them.. now i feel free from all the negativity, grateful and peaceful.. everything is possible and im able to see the new and kinder eyes..
just stop beating ourself up all the time, stop hating and try to love life.. how scary the life is we should love life and thankful for what we have..

Forgivenes - its a gift, even a billionaire wont afford to buy it..
                   its like a bouquet of flower that always cheer we up..
Forgiveness ~~ That moment inside of you where you forgive what's happened is the moment when you are enlightening yourself ~~~ John Roger~~~

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                                   ~~~~miz aDeqLa~~~ 12.41am : 01-09-2010~~~~